Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Invasion is Over

It has been five years since the Chronomancer began his campaign to free his siblings and reclaim the Warhammer world.  During this time, ancient magic had been unleashed and powerful monstrosities have been called forth to do battle.  The size of the armies has grown with each year and new generals have stepped forth to claim the throne.  In the end, hopefully all have walked away with a story to tell and a few memories to share.

It is hard letting go, but I understand now is the time for me to do just that with Invasion Kenosha.  When I began Invasion in 2009, I wanted to run the kind of event that would attract my attention and make me want to attend.  I was looking to create something that was organized in nature, but casual in atmosphere.  At the same time, I wanted to create something that was more about attending the event than actually winning it.  Lastly, it all had to be within a single day. 

I could give any number of reasons as to why I have decided to end Invasion Kenosha, but really it all comes down to what is most important to me.  I love the hobby, but the level of commitment it takes to run something with any degree of professionalism is daunting at times.   I am also no longer a resident of Wisconsin and trying to run an event from a 100+ miles away was only going to compound the matter. 

In conclusion, I would like to thank everyone who has supported Invasion Kenosha over the years.  Your support, interest, and sponsorship are what made this event possible.  I wish I had the space to mention everyone, but to miss one is to miss all.  Needless to say, you all know who you are and I want to thank you for helping me in creating my vision.  It was a great journey and one that I will miss.

                                                                                                                                Best Regards,

                                                                                                                                John ‘Equinox’ Gaszak

1 comment:

  1. Aaargh! As you know my friend, yours is the only tourney I've attended in recent years because you've succeeded in achieving all your goals. You aimed high with the Invasion series and hit the mark. I'll miss you. I know you'll find a new gaming community and they'll be the richer for your arrival.

